Shahnameh Firdausi in Urdu language


This article is regarding to the Shahnameh Firdausi and it was versified by Mool Chand in Urdu language.  In the text of Shahnameh, Mool Chand writes the reason behind compiling this work and he says that his Shahnameh is based on the summary of Shahnameh Firdausi called Shamshir Khani written in prose by Tawakkul Beg.

Key words

Shahnameh Firdausi, Shahnameh Urdu, Mool Chand, Shamshir Khani


Shahnameh Firdausi has been translated in several languages of the world. In India it has been translated and published in Hindi language by Nasera Sharma in 1990. This translation is a summary of Shahnameh and it has 196 pages. Dr. Ziaur Rahman has translated the story of Rustam and Sohrab in Hindi language three years ago.

 In the 19th century, Tawakkul Beg had translated the Shahnameh Firdausi in prose. Tawakkul Beg was associated with the court of Shamshir Khan and for this reason he named his work as “Tarikhe Dilghushaye Shamshir Khani” and got famous by the name of Shamshir Khani.

Shahnameh Urdu versified by Mool Chand in the metre of Motaqarib in Urdu language in 1805 and it is based on Shamshir Khani by Tawakkul Beg. This Shahnameh has been decorated with pictures of kings and war. Shahnameh Urdu got published three times, first in 1883 by Rizvi press Delhi, second time in 1887 by Mumtazul Ma`ali press, Delhi and third time by Kishan Baal, machine press Agra. Shahnameh Urdu has been mentioned in the catalogue of Munshi Naval Kishore of 1896.


Mool Chand initially named this book as “Qissaye Khusruwane Ajam” later got famous by the name of Shahnameh Urdu. In this book there are eight thousands six hundred couplets in the metre of Motaqarib, it is one fifth of Shahnameh Firdausi. Despite being summary of Shahnameh Firdausi, Mool Chand has not left any chapter of Shahnameh Firdausi. Munshi Mool Chand has started Shahnameh Urdu in Delhi and completed it in Lucknow. He dedicated this work to Nawab of Awadh “Nasr Khalili”. He praised Akbar Shah Saani in the very first and last chapter of this book. Shahnameh Urdu starts with these verses in the praise of God. He says that He is the only one who bestowed the kingship and He is the only one who destroyed the Jamshid and Sulayeman:

که هے کردگار غفور و رحیمسفرنامه، حمد خدای کریم
بلندی ده خسروان، هے وهیشهی بخش شاهنشاه هے وهی
کریگا جمشید کو وه تباهکبهی دے فریدون کو وه دستگاه
سلیمان کو گاهی کرے مثل مورکبهی نا توانوں کو بخشے وه زور

(Mool Chand, p 2)

Mool Chand wrote the ode in praise of Nasr Md. Moinuddin Md. Akbar Shah. He says that o king this writer is your slave, keep pouring your mercy upon this writer and in front of you mountain of knowledge is nothing:

کرم اُس په اپنا رکهو صبح و شامیه منشی تُمهارا هے ادنی غلام
خدا دهد تاج و کلاه و سریرجهاندار اکبر شه بی نظیر
خجسته شمایل فرشته سیرهمایون خصایل شه نامور 
مروت هے اُسکو وفا کیش سےمحبت رکهی هے وه درویش سے
نهیں اُسکے همسنگ کوه گیانحقیقت کردن علم کر اب بیان

(ibid, p 3)

After the ode of his patron, he writes the motive behind compiling of this work. Some couplets are being mentioned below in which writer says that one day there was a party and the discussion happened about poetry and history, it has been said that Shahnameh is the ultimate book and there was an educated person who translated and summarized the Shahnameh Firdausi in Urdu prose and which got fame by the name of Shamshir khani. Later he says that after the party I got the Shamshir Khani and started its translation in Urdu language:

که تها مثل نوروز به جهت فروزعزیزان معنی شناس ایک روز
مُهیا تهی سامان عیش و طربمحفل آرا تهی هنگام شب
هر اِک لحظه تها ذکر شعر و سخنوه مجلس تهی رشک بهار چمن
تو پِهر هر کِسی نے بیان یوں کیاتواریخ کا بهی جو مذکور تها
عجب نظم دلکش هے با آب و تابکه هے شاهنامه تماشا کتاب
یه تاریخ فرخ نهیں هر کهینولی هر کِسی کو سیر نهین
کیا ترجمه اُس نے شه نامه کاتوکل که فرد سخن سنج تها
که احوال، معلوم هو سر به سررکها نثر میں نسخه مختصر
تمام اُس میں احوال مرقوم هےبه شمشیرخانی وه موسوم هے
سخن فهم و دانشور و نکته دانیه سُنکر برادر میری مهربان
به خلق پسندیده مشهور و عامکه زورآور اُنکا جهان میں هے نام
تُم اب ریختی کر زبان میں لِکهویه بولے که ای منشی اِس نامه کو
به نام شهنشاه گردد آن جنابکرو نظم ترتیب با آب و تاب
وهیں کرکے شمشیر خانی طلبسُنا یه سخن جب تو با صد طرب
لِکهی نظم یه دلکش و نامدارهُوا میں دل و جان سے مصروف کار
کیا فکر تب سال تاریخ کامرتب یه شهنامه جب هو چُکا
کها قصه خسروان عجمتو پِهر هاتف غیب نے صبحدم

(ibid, p 4)

Mool Chand in his book, first mentioned the story of Kiyumirs and his war with satan Mar. Story begins with the following couplets in which he describes that Kiyumirs used to live in the mountain and he had nothing except the leather cloth and a son named Siyamak. Kiyumirs had an enemy with whom he wanted to fight:

یه کهتا هے زیر سپهر بلندسخن گوی روشن دل و هوشمند
شه دادگستر کیومرث تهاهُوا پهلے جو کوی کشورگُشا
به جز چرم پوشاک تها کُچھ نهینسدا کوه میں تها وه مسکن گزین
خردمند مثل پدر نامورسیامک تها اُس شاه کا اِک پسر
اراده اُسے اُس سے تها جنگ کاکیومرث کا دشمن اِک دیو تها

(ibid, p 35)

Mool Chand has versified the birth of Zaal and says that when Zaal was born his forehead was bright and when Saam saw him he became surprised:

تولد هُوا گلرخ و سیمبرشبستان میں سام که اِک پسر
گئ دایه یه دیکھ کر پیش سامسفیدی اُسکے اندام پر هو تمام
هُوا خوف و اندیشه اُسےوهیں سام نے آکے دیکها اُسے
تعجب تها صورت پے اُس کے کمالرکها اُسکا ماں باپ نے نام زال

(ibid,p 35)

This is quite obvious that in Shahnameh Firdausi, the story of Sohrab and Rustam is more famous in comparison to other stories. So it is important to mention here that how Mool Chand has versified this story. He writes that king gave his daughter to Rustam and after nine months she gave birth to a baby boy named him Sohrab and he was brave as his father:

رستم  کو دی شه نے دختر وهینتو لا کر بجا شرط آیین دین
هوئ حامله وه بت دل ستانهُوا اُس سے همخواب یکشب جوان
سو رستم نے اُس کے حوالے کیاکوئ مهره سام و نریمان کا تها
اگر تُجهے هووے تولد پسرکها یوں که اے دلبر سیمبر
اگر هووے دختر تو گیسو سے باندهتو یه مهره تو اُسکی بازو سے بانده
رکها شاه نے اُس کا سهراب نامجسیم و قوی پنجه مانند سام
لگی ڈرنے مردان شمشیر زنهُوا جبکه ده ساله وه پیلتن

(ibid,p 45-46)

Munshi Mool Chand has glorified the war of Rustam and Sohrab through the following lines and says that the war between father and son was a destiny. You have heard a lot of about war, now come and see the war of Sohrab and Rustam:

کروں کیا میں سهراب کا اب بیانیه کهتا تها اے بادشاه جهان
قد اُسکا هے مانند نخل بلندجوان و قوی هیکل و زورمند
بعینه هے هم شکل سام سوارتکلف نهیں اِس میں کُچھ زینهار
پدر و پسر میں هووے جنگیه چاهے هے اب چرخ فیروزه رنگ
پر اب سُنیۓ سهراب و رستم کی رزمکُشتی اور دیکهے بهُت رزم و بزم

   (ibid,p 70)

Munshi Mool Chand has described the death scene of Sohrab and also mentioned the conversation between Sohrab and Rustam where Sohrab says that once my father would know about me he will kill you then Rustam asked Sohrab what is the name of your father he replied that my father`s name is Rustam, after listening it Rustam asked that have you any sign of him with you? Sohrab replied that come and see it as I can`t show you after being too much injured, it is here on my arms. Once Rustam saw it and started mourning and says that cut my hand I am the only father in this world who has killed his own son, couplets regarding this event as follows:

یه بولا که تِِهی بخت میری سیاهوُه خسته جگر کهینچ کر اِک آه
که دیدار سے باپ کے هوں میں شادیهاں میں جو آیا تو یه تهی مراد
به ملک عدم جان واصل هویتمناے دل کُچھ نه حاصل هوی
کریگا هلاک آن کر ای جوانمرا باپ تُجھ کو نه چُهوریگا دان
که هے نام رستم مرے باپ کاکها، نام کیا اُس نے تب یوں کها
تو غمگین هوا رستم پیلتنجب اُس خسته تن سے سُنا یه سخن
ترے پاس رستم کا کیا هے نشانلگا کهنے اُس سے یه گریه کنان
جهان جِس کی آنکهوں هووے سیاهکه میں هی سیه بخت رستم هوں آه
که صد حیف ای گرد کشور گشایه سهراب نے سُنکر پاسخ دیا
که مهره هے بازو پے میری بندهانشانی تو دیکھ اب ذرا آکر می وا
جو کُهولوں زره اور دیکهاوں تُجهےنهیں زخم سے اب یه طاقت مُجهے
تو رستم نے پِهر شور و ناله کیاوه مهره جو دیکها زره کر کے وا
تو کشته هوا هاتھ سے میری آهیه بولا که اے جان من بی گناه
نهیں چاره زنهار، پیش قضایه سهراب بولا که کیا فایده
نشان مِٹ گیا نام آخر هُواکه سهراب کا کام آخر هُوا
گیا نعش پر اُسکے زاری کنانهُوا سُن کے رستم پیاده دوان
میرے هاتھ واجب هیں کرنے قلمفغان کر کے کهتا تها یه دم به دم
جهان مین بهلا قتل کِس نے کیاجگر گوشه کو اپنے، میرے سِوا

(ibid,p 75-77)

At the end of this book Mool Chand has shown the pleasure after completing this remarkable work and has prayed that may this work remain memorable in this world, lastly he praised his patron Abu Nasr Akbar in the following couplets:

بر آرنده آسمان و زمینسپاس خداے جهان آفرین
هُوا بنده محنت سے آزاد دلهویئ مشکل آسان، هُوا شاد دل
بر آیئ به زیر سپهر بلندمرا دل منشی مستمند
هویئ به جهت و شادمانی نصیبهُوا گوهر کامرانی نصیب
بخوبی هُوا شاهنامه تمامغرض نظم دلکش نے پایا نظام
یه نامه جهان میں رهے یادگارنهیں هے کِسی کو ثبات و قرار
که یه نامه جِس که هُوا نام پرالاهی شهنشاه والا گهر
شه نامور بادشاه ز منخرد پرور، قدردان سخن
جهاندار عادل رعیت نوازسر تاج داران گردن فراز
جهان میں رهے جب تَلک هے جهانابو نصر اکبر خدیو زمان

(ibid, p 208)


Shahnameh Urdu its original name is Qissaye Khusrawane Ajam. This translation made the Shahnameh Firdausi more popular at that time as this translation is based on the prose translation and summary of Shahnameh of Mirza Tawakkul Beg named Shamshir Khani but at the time of reading, reader feels that this translation is from Shahnameh Firdausi directly. This is the talent of Mool Chand in the field of translation and the language of this book is very smooth which shows the hard work done by Munshi Mool Chand.


  1. Firdausi, Abul Qasim, Shahnameh, Tr. Mool Chand, Pub. Baal Kishan, Agra, no date.
  2. Firdausi, Abul Qasim, Shahnameh, Tr. Nasera Sharma, Hind Pocket Books,1990
  3. Firdausi, Abul Qasim, Shahnameh, Tr. Ramchandra Shrivastava and Shri Har Dayalu Singh, Pub. Gaya Prashad and sons, Agra, 1948
  4. Firdausi, Abul Qasim, Shahnameh, Tr.Tawakkul Beg, Tarikhe Dilghushaye Shamshir Khani, Kolkata, 1842.
  5. Firdausi, Abul Qasim, Shahnameh, Rustam and Sohrab, Tr. Ziaur Rahman, Pub. Vidya Pandit Prakashan, Delhi, 2017.
  6. Qasmi, Sharif Husain, article, Shahnameh Dar Hind, Qandeparsi, Vol, 59-60, 1392.

2 thoughts on “Shahnameh Firdausi in Urdu language”

  1. به نام خداوند جان و خرد
    کزين برتر انديشه برنگذرد

    The first verse of the Shahnameh, through which even today Persian speakers begin any auspicious work, in which God is praised.

    Thank you so much for the beautiful and knowledgeable article. This article is really very useful and informative. It was great to know about the Urdu translation of Shahnameh. It is an honor to have the Shahnameh in Urdu. Shahnameh, itself an epic of Firdausi written in the Persian language with 60 thousand verses. It is definitely a commendable work by you to reach the readers by writing on this topic. Dissemination of knowledge is the meaning of knowledge, that is why Firdausi says in his Shahnameh –
    توانا بود هر که دانا بود
    ز دانش دل پير برنا بود

    in Sanskrit we see – ज्ञानवान् शक्तिमान् सदा।

    That means, knowledge is that which can make a man capable. And such informative articles are definitely useful in increasing the knowledge of human beings. So thank you very much for introducing us to this type of knowledge. Thank you.

  2. Munshi mool chand has done a fantastic job almost two century ago but before this article most of us were unaware of it. Its a nice intro of a nice work.


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